Tucson, Arizona

A burger and fries vacationing on a tropical island.  The water and beach are sketchy, but the burger, especially the bun, is strangely lifelike, even shadows on each sesame seed.

Lumberton, North Carolina

lumberton, nc1

The second panel of the triptych of the roadside trinity:  hamburger, fries, hotdog.  This food stand has a moral uprightness. You can build a bridge with these fries.

Calhoun City, Mississippi

On Hwy 9, just north of town.  I pulled over to take a photograph of this sign and as I was getting back in my car, a woman came running out to ask me what the hell I thought I was doing.  I said I was taking a photograph of the food sign.  She said:  “You’re not the guy from the insurance, are you?”  I looked at my old volvo full of art supplies and said “No ma’am, I’m not, I just like paintings.”  She looked at me like she was sure I was lying.

Coahona, Texas

One of the sadder food sign in the Archive.  The sesame seed bun and the red fries container indicate McDonalds.  I don’t think they sell food here.  I think it’s strictly a sun-bleached toy packaging and foresaken strollers kind of operation.