Jailed for impersonating a muppet. Sad.
(Alameda and Zuni)
The Hand-Painted Food Signs Archive
Food paintings from all over
Jailed for impersonating a muppet. Sad.
(Alameda and Zuni)
Big burger in a small space. And it’s a squirmy one, with three layers of meat and FOUR layers of lettuce and a ton of tiny mushrooms maybe. Bacon is another tricky thing to paint. Love the handling of the ice cream cone — the dots, the lines. Below is the other side of the same place. There are a lot of signs that make the claim of the “biggest” burger available within a certain region. This might be the first example of onions being shown as lovely naturalistic rings. This burger has only one meat and two layers of lettuce, but it’s got a lot of personality.
This old woman (you can see her gray bun) (behind the brown and green bun) is struggling to carry a gigantic hot dog. One wonders if the hamburger sprouted hairy man legs, or if a man was carrying it and it engulfed his torso. Either way he’s not in a position to help. An unsettling grouping.
A burger and fries vacationing on a tropical island. The water and beach are sketchy, but the burger, especially the bun, is strangely lifelike, even shadows on each sesame seed.
There are a number of signs that might fall into a new category: Frontal. They tend to have a macho and confrontational message. Italics and claims of greatness. Get your smokes and your burgers and sit right here in the window, but don’t expect any special treatment. The stacking here reminds me of the 80’s video game classic “Burgertime.”
A lot of bravado for a rather bland and risk-averse painting of a cheeseburger. And you’re missing an apostrophe.
Very definite shadow and light source. It has mass and takes up space. And you can sit in its shade during the long light of evening. The most trustworthy hamburger in South-central North Carolina.
See, now that’s actually drippy, but accidentally. Maybe this is the food sign painter who realized that paint is naturally drippy and instead of trying to represent drippy, you can just BE drippy. I like the tomato seen from the side, a convincing reflection.
(Mama’s Soul Food, Haywood Road)
On Hwy 9, just north of town. I pulled over to take a photograph of this sign and as I was getting back in my car, a woman came running out to ask me what the hell I thought I was doing. I said I was taking a photograph of the food sign. She said: “You’re not the guy from the insurance, are you?” I looked at my old volvo full of art supplies and said “No ma’am, I’m not, I just like paintings.” She looked at me like she was sure I was lying.
One of the sadder food sign in the Archive. The sesame seed bun and the red fries container indicate McDonalds. I don’t think they sell food here. I think it’s strictly a sun-bleached toy packaging and foresaken strollers kind of operation.
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