Long Beach, California

This definitely goes in the “splashy” category, though slow-motion lava lamp style splashiness. (photo by J. Friedman)

Tucson, Arizona


Harsh and stiff lines, using a straight edge for everything but the splash.  Decidedly uncelebratory in feeling.

(1st Ave.)


Benson, Arizona


Cocktails are under-represented.  The occasional martini glass, but wine drinkers seem to keep their imagery mechanically-derived, maybe a social class distinction.  It is a fact that the wealthier a neighborhood, the fewer hand-painted food signs.  Yet, more art galleries.  Funny.

Ozona, Mississippi

Well, there are those asterisks again.  Why is that a go-to embellishment all over the country?  Where do we learn that?

Calhoun City, Mississippi

On Hwy 9, just north of town.  I pulled over to take a photograph of this sign and as I was getting back in my car, a woman came running out to ask me what the hell I thought I was doing.  I said I was taking a photograph of the food sign.  She said:  “You’re not the guy from the insurance, are you?”  I looked at my old volvo full of art supplies and said “No ma’am, I’m not, I just like paintings.”  She looked at me like she was sure I was lying.